Project Leadership
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Décultot
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Décultot has been Professor of Modern German Literature at Martin Luther University Halle since 2015 and has headed the university’s Interdisciplinary Centre for European Enlightenment Studies (IZEA) since 2020. She was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship in 2015 following her work from 2005 to 2015 as “Directrice de recherche” at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris. Her research focuses on the literature of the 18th and 19th centuries as well as the history of scholarly practices in the early modern period, with special consideration of the European transfer of knowledge. She has published in particular on Johann Joachim Winckelmann and the development of art historiography, on the art discourse of the Enlightenment and Classicism, and on Johann Georg Sulzer, whose “Collected Writings” she is publishing. Her research focus includes editions of correspondence (Sulzer-Johann Jakob Bodmer, 2020; Johann Georg Wille, 1999). Further information at https://schriftkultur.uni-halle.de/en/ and http://www.germanistik.uni-halle.de/neuere_literaturwissenschaft/decultot/.
Stefan Dumont M.A.
Stefan Dumont has been a research associate at TELOTA, the Digital Humanities working group of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, since 2011. He has also been coordinator of the DFG project “correspSearch – Connecting Scholarly Editions of Letters” since 2017 and co-head of PDB18 since 2022. His research focuses on digital letter editions and their standardization and interconnection.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stäcker
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stäcker has been director of the University and State Library Darmstadt and part-time Professor of Digital Humanities at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam since 2017. He is co-head of the project “PDB18 – The German Letter in the 18th Century”. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1509-6960
Project Coordination
Dr. Jana Kittelmann
Dr. Jana Kittelmann studied modern German literature, history, and art history in Berlin. After completing her doctorate, she worked in various archives and cultural institutions. Since 2015, she has been conducting research and working at the Interdisciplinary Centre for European Enlightenment Studies (IZEA) at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, including on the edition project “Collected Writings and Letters of Johann Georg Sulzer” (https://www.sulzer-briefe.uni-halle.de, correspondence between Sulzer and Bodmer). Due to her many years of work on various editions of letters (print and digital), one of her research focuses is the culture and history of the letter.
Project Staff
Katrin Fischer M.A.
After studying history and applied geosciences in Darmstadt and Aberystwyth, Katrin Fischer was a lecturer at the Institute of History and a research assistant at the Johann Heinrich Merck Research Unit of the TU Darmstadt. She has been working at the Centre for Digital Editions of the University and State Library Darmstadt since 2022. She also works at the Institute for Personal History in Bensheim. Her focuses are urban, environmental, and personal history and the cultural history of antiquity as well as the fields of DH and editions.
Ruth Sander M.A.
Ruth Sander studied English philology, Scandinavian studies, and Digital Humanities in Göttingen and Stuttgart. She has been working at TELOTA, the DH initiative of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, since 2021. Her work and research focus on the digital cataloguing of research data and on editions of the modern era. In 2021, she was also involved in a data curation project at the Centre for Ibsen Studies at the University of Oslo. She has been part of the correspSearch team at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities since 2022.
Graduate Student Assistants
Magdalena Stumm
Magdalena Stumm is a master’s student in Digital Methods in the Humanities and Cultural Studies in Mainz. She holds a bachelor’s degree in book studies and linguistics.
Charlotte Schönebeck
Charlotte Schönebeck is a master’s student in Musicology and Art & Design Studies at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen.